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Motorola MC65(WM6.5)数据采集器cleanboot程序下载

发布时间: 2015-5-4 22:58:00

Motorola MC65(Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional)数据采集器cleanboot程序可以将MC65终端恢复到工厂默认设置。
Cleanps.bin - Clean PS image
partition.mbn - Partition Table
Pkgs.lst - Images list installed through update loader
StartUpdLdr.exe - Launch update loader
INSTRUCTIONS.TXT - Installation instruction
659Bw65xxDBA000002.rar包含cleanboot终端和清空application folder文件的更新程序包:
Cleanps.bin - Clean PS image
partition.mbn - Partition Table
CleanAppl.bin - Blank application folder image
CleanReg.bin- Clean reg image
Pkgs.lst - Images list installed through update loader
StartUpdLdr.exe - Launch update loader
INSTRUCTIONS.TXT - Installation instruction
Motorola MC65 cleanboot的方法:
1. Unzip the contents of this ZIP file to the root folder of an SD card
2. Place the SD card in the device to be upgraded
3. Place the device to be upgrade an A/C power
4. Navigate to the SD Card and invoke the program STARTUPDLDR.EXE
1. Unzip the contents of this ZIP file to the MC65 emp folder
2. Place the device to be upgrade an A/C power
3. Navigate to the emp folder and invoke the program STARTUPDLDR.EXE


  • Windows Mobile 6.5-Fusion
  • Windows CE 6.0-Fusion
  • Motorola MC2100/MC2180(WinCE6.0)v01.01.01打印机驱动
  • Motorola Appcenter1.10 for CE
  • Motorola Appcenter2.0 for PPC/Windows Mobile
  • Honeywell PowerTools for Dolphin 6100/6500
  • DENSO BHT-Basic4.0通讯工具软件下载(YMODEM与BHT-Ir)
  • Motorola数据采集器开发工具包EMDK for .NET(C#与VB.NET)

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